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Clyde Beatty Sideshow



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Sideshow Performers

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Sideshows are unique to American circuses. Sideshows are usually house in a separate and smaller tent located on the midway of a circus. There acts are presented close up to the audience, acts that would lost if exhibited in the center ring of the big top.

The concept was the idea of P. T. Barnum and first used on the Barnum and Bailey Circus. Circus sideshows were created to entertain audiences while waiting for the big show performance and to generate additional revenue.

There are two basic types of sideshow acts. "Working Acts" Sword swallower, fire eaters, magicians and novelty acts. "Human Oddities" Midgets, Giants etc.

There are very few circus sideshow working today, they have become the victims of television, internet and modern societies view on political correctness.


Clyde Beatty Cole Bros. Circus Sideshow 1972

Top row
Fred Logan (white shirt), Big Bobby Cline (green jacket)

Bottom row left to right
Dave Hoover, Roger Boyd Jr., Bill Unks, Francy Martinez,
Cathy Monroe, Ann Robinson, Margaret Anne Robinson,
George "Red"White, Marlyn Monroe, Johny Monroe


Clyde Beatty Cole Bros Sideshow 1972
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Clyde Beatty Cole Bros. Sideshow Bally 1967
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Clyde Beatty Cole Bros. Circus Sideshow Bally 1967

Left to right
Jackie Lynn, Francis "Bobo" Duggan, Stu Miller, Andy Brisky, Pat Miller

Ringling Brothers and Barnum &Bailey Circus

Sideshow entrance
Los Angeles September of 1948


Ringling Bros Barum Bailey Circus sideshow
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Clyde Beatty Cole Bros. Sideshow 1968
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Clyde Beatty Cole Bros. Sideshow 1968

Top row left to right
Margaret Anne Robinson, Percilla Bejano, Emmitt Bejano, Stu Miller, Pat Miller,

Mama Sanchez, Ann Robinson, Andy Brisky, Dave Ballard, Francis "Bobo" Duggan, Jackie Lynn, Nabor Felix




Cristiani Bros. Circus 1958

Charlie Roark Sideshow manager, (with mike in ticket box)
The Doll family;Harry, Tiny, Grace and Daisy Doll.
Captain Don Leslie sword-swallower and tattoo artist.
Chief Sugar Brown and his family of Ote Indians,
Senorita Carmen, (with snake).


Charles Roark




Hoxie Bros Circus Sideshow 1981
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Hoxie Bros Circus Sideshow 1981


Left to right
Tamara Espana, Yvonne Stevens, Joe Lee, Elizabeth Campa,
Marcelo Boyd, Marina Boyd, Roger Boyd Jr., Sonya Campa,,
Jane Quinn, unknown, Ted Svertesky, Myrtle Campa



Circus Vargas Sideshow Circus Vargas Sideshow
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Sideshow Managers
More will be added soon.
Sideshow manager Tommy Hart
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 Sideshow Manager Bill English
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Sideshow Manager Tommy Hart Bill English
Stuart Miller
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 Charley Roark
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Sideshow Manager Stuart Miller Sideshow Manager Charles Roark
Jim Windland   George "Red"White Sideshow Manager
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Sideshow Manager Jim Windland   George "Red"White
Ward Hall Sideshow
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Sideshow Owner Ward Hall
  Roger Boyd Jr Sideshow manager
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Sideshow Manager Roger Boyd Jr.

Jim Zajicek
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Jim Zajicek

  Sideshow manager Lew Graham
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Sideshow Manager Clyde Ingalls

Sideshow owner Sam Alexander
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Sam Alexander


Sideshow manager Lew Graham
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Sideshow Manager Lew Graham


Dick Best

Dick Best


Whitey Sutton

Whitey Sutton


Bobby Reynolds

Bobby Reynolds


T. W "Slim" Kelley

T. W "Slim" Kelley


Al Moody

Al Moody


Dick Johnson

Dick Johnson

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Page Updated March 03, 2025