|  Happy Spitzer | | |  |  Happy Spitzer and January Mule |
| | The talented Spitzer Family, consisted of John "Happy" Spitzer, his two daughters Marge and Ann and son John. The younger Spitzers did unicycle and juggling and Happy clowned. Marge did a solo number in which she performed riding an unicycle on a small circular pedestal raised a few feet above the ground. Happy was best known for what is called a "January Mule" act. Happy in clown wardrobe, would ride into the ring in a cart pulled by a mule. The mule would kick, buck, bray, and eventually the cart would tip over backwards. It was a clever act and well received by audiences. | |  |  Marge and Johnny Spitzer | | |  |  Marge Spitzer on Unicycle | |