Al G. Kelly & Miller Bros. Circus began in 1937 as a small dog and pony show, in a tent hand sewn by Obert Miller and his two sons Dorey and Kelly.
In the beginning the show moved on one straight body truck, one semi and a pick-up. The Miller family made up the performance. Obert worked the animal acts and booked the show.
Kelly handled the book, sold tickets and clowned, and his wife Dale played the calliope which was mounted on a small wagon and used for street parades.
Dorey and his wife Isla did a wire act and trapeze and Dorey also clowned.
The show steadily grew and expanded, by 1950 it had reached the stature of being one of the country's major motorized circuses. The circus was noted for carrying the largest menagerie of wild animals. The show kept investing their gains into a finer and larger menagerie and up to date equipment. |