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Circus Owner John Lewis

John Lewis


Circus Trivia, Did You Know?  

Did You Know, Circus owner John Lewis was mayor of Bridgeport Alabama.


John Lewis with Tiger
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Lewis with pet tiger
Lewis Bros Circus Midway
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The Lewis Bros Circus Midway
John Lewis and Tiny Phillips
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John Lewis and Tiny Phillips


John Lewis owner of the Lewis Bros. Circus, a popular mid-sized circus of the 1970s and 80s.

A person must were many hats to be a circus owner or manager and John Lewis has wore them all. John has been a manager, animal trainer, booking agent, show painter, purchasing agent and even performed a gorilla parody act to fill in for absent performers.

John worked aboard the famous riverboat Delta Queen in 1963 and 1964, working in the Purser's Office as mail clerk. He visited the boat many times after his employment and even traveled with his 1962 Ford loaded aboard. Lewis stated the car "had about as many river miles as road miles on it".

John worked closely with his good friend Hoxie Tucker and learned much from the elder showman. In 1972 John opened his Lewis Bros Circus.

After closing the Lewis Bros. Circus, John went on to serve on the city council and became Mayor of Bridgeport, Alabama. Lewis also became very active in the preservation of the Mississippi river boat the "Delta Queen".

Click here to read more about the Lewis Bros Circus


Photo Credits: John Lewis

John Lewis on front Door
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John Lewis at circus entrance
John Lewis with Hoxie Tucker
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Hoxie Tucker and John Lewis at Hoxie's home in South Miami
Lewis Bros Circus on lot
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John Lewis and Circus Owner Hoxie Tucker
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John Lewis with Hoxie Tucker


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